Dr. Reem Refae is a highly skilled practitioner with Masters and Doctorate degrees in Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine. After obtaining her degrees from Pacific College of Health and Science in San Diego, CA, she decided to make a home in Virginia where she received her acupuncture license and continues to guide her clients towards optimal wellness.
Dr. Refae offers personalized treatments that address the root cause of health conditions, promoting self-healing and restoring balance within the body. Her mission is to educate and empower individuals to reclaim their innate healing potential and create a harmonious state of well-being. Dr. Refae remains dedicated to serving her clients and supporting their journey into holistic growth.
Dr. Reem Refae is a highly skilled practitioner with Masters and Doctorate degrees in Acupuncture...
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Samira is a naturopathic medical intern in her final year of medical school. She holds certifications as a birth doula as well as wet-cupping. While her ears perk up for all things naturopathic medicine (Homeopathy, Botanical and herbal medicine, Nutrition, Lab-test interpretations), she has particular focus in the value of movement, mindset optimization, and reproductive health. In her spare time, she enjoys playing volleyball, dancing, and exploring the outdoors.
Samira is a naturopathic medical intern in her final year of medical school. She holds certificat...
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Dr. Hanna Schmittat is a Naturopathic Doctor and Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Maryland. She attended the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM) and Acupuncture Institute (UBAI), where she was awarded the Golden Needle Award for mastery in the use of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in clinical service to patients
During the journey towards becoming a Naturopathic Doctor and Acupuncturist, Dr Schmittat was able to combine her passion for travel with her desire to deepen her knowledge. Dr Schmittat traveled to Jamaica to study native Jamaican herbs with Dr Eugene Zamperion. Later, Dr Schmittat worked with a group of students under the supervision of Dr Carlos Cunningham on a medical mission trip in Guatemala
Dr Schmittat then pursued a 6 month course in Advanced Homeopathy at the Other Song Academy, in Mumbai, India. There she studied sensation style homeopathy under Dr Sankaran, a world renowned homeopath
During the 6th month course Dr Schmittat worked closely under Dr Dhanipkar to study acute and chronic homeopathic prescribing
Dr. Hanna Schmittat is a Naturopathic Doctor and Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Maryland...
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